News and Events - Spalding County Sheriff's Office Prayer Luncheon for March will be Tuesday, 03/18/2025.

    Each month the Spalding County Sheriff's Office has a Prayer Luncheon held at the Kiwanis of Griffin Center. The Kiwanis Center is located directly in front of the fairgrounds at 1025 South Hill Street, Griffin GA 30224.

    Anyone interested in attending should contact Julie Shorb ( or 770-467-5463 by 2:00 PM the Monday before the prayer luncheon. It is very important that you RSVP and let Julie know if you would like the entrée plate of the day, or a salad entrée, so that all can enjoy the luncheon. Due to the price increase of the meals, we can no longer offer free meals for new attendees.

    Lunch usually begins at noon.

If you would like to be added to the email list for the prayer luncheon, please email Major Sowell at

The planned menu for this month's Prayer Luncheon will be:

Entree Plate of the Day:

- Pot Roast

- Mashed Potatoes

- Green Peas

- Roll


Entree Chef Salad:

 Choice of Salad Dressing



ALL Meals Come With the Following:

 Dessert (Assorted Cakes, Cookies, and/or Pies)

 Sweet Tea or Water.

Special thanks to Warden Humphries and Lieutenant Don Garvin from the Spalding County Correctional Institution for providing the meal for the luncheon!

Sheriff's Office Prayer Luncheon    Sheriff's Office Prayer Luncheon

Sheriff's Office Prayer Luncheon    Sheriff's Office Prayer Luncheon

Sheriff's Office Prayer Luncheon    Sheriff's Office Prayer Luncheon

Sheriff's Office Prayer Luncheon    Sheriff's Office Prayer Luncheon

Sheriff's Office Prayer Luncheon